The Wellness Guide

Eat Clean with Garrnish 2.0: Degrade Glyphosate!

Pesticides are all over the food we eat without us even realizing it. One such pesticide that has raised considerable concern in recent years is glyphosate, a widely used herbicide found in numerous fruits and vegetables like strawberries, apples, grapes, lettuce, spinach, potatoes, and even wheat!

Pesticides are all over the food we eat without us even realizing it. One such pesticide that has raised considerable concern in recent years is glyphosate, a widely used herbicide found in numerous fruits and vegetables like strawberries, apples, grapes, lettuce, spinach, potatoes, and even wheat!

The potential health risks associated with glyphosate exposure include certain types of cancer, reproductive problems, and developmental issues in children. As the public grows increasingly aware of these risks, many are seeking ways to minimize their exposure and ensure the food they consume is safe and clean.

The potential health risks associated with glyphosate exposure include certain types of cancer, reproductive problems, and developmental issues in children. As the public grows increasingly aware of these risks, many are seeking ways to minimize their exposure and ensure the food they consume is safe and clean.

What Can We Do?

Introducing Garrnish Pesticide Purifier 2.0, your perfect solution to combat the presence of glyphosate and other chemical pesticides in your produce.

Introducing Garrnish Pesticide Purifier 2.0, your perfect solution to combat the presence of glyphosate and other chemical pesticides in your produce.


This innovative purifier uses the cutting-edge process of electrolysis to degrade or in other words, dismantle the molecular structure of chemical pesticides and turning them into harmless, non-toxic substances easily washed away with water.
With Garrnish 2.0, you can provide clean fruits and veggies for you and your family with peace of mind.

This innovative purifier uses the cutting-edge process of electrolysis to degrade or in other words, dismantle the molecular structure of chemical pesticides and turning them into harmless, non-toxic substances easily washed away with water.
With Garrnish 2.0, you can provide clean fruits and veggies for you and your family with peace of mind.


The efficacy of Garrnish Pesticide Purifier is not just a claim, it's backed by rigorous testing and validation. The purifier was sent to SGS, the world’s leading lab testing, inspection, and certification organization headquartered in Switzerland. The results were up to a 99.9% reduction in the most common pesticides, including Glyphosate and Dichlorvos, and a 99.9% reduction in Chlorpyrifos.

The efficacy of Garrnish Pesticide Purifier is not just a claim, it's backed by rigorous testing and validation. The purifier was sent to SGS, the world’s leading lab testing, inspection, and certification organization headquartered in Switzerland.
The results were up to a 99.8% reduction in the most common pesticides, including Glyphosate and Dichlorvos, and a 99.9% reduction in Chlorpyrifos.


While the presence of glyphosate and other pesticides in our food is not completely avoidable, especially since we all like eating out and buying snacks, we are able to significantly reduce the accumulation of pesticides in our bodies by using products like the Garrnish 2.0 at home.

While the presence of glyphosate and other pesticides in our food is not completely avoidable, especially since we all like eating out and buying snacks, we are able to significantly reduce the accumulation of pesticides in our bodies by using products like the Garrnish 2.0 at home.


Eat Clean With Garrnish!
